(9Z)-3-Hydroxy-9-hexadecenoic Acid Ethyl Ester is an intermediate in the synthesis of O-TBS Hexadec-7-enoic acid is an intermediate in the synthesis of 3-Hydroxy-9-hexadecenoyl-L-carnitine which is an analogue of 3-Hydroxyhexadecanoylcarnitine Inner Salt (H943005), a derivative of Carnitine, essential cofactor of fatty acid metabolism; required for the transport of fatty acids through the inner mitochondrial membrane. Synthetized primarily in the liver and kidney; highest concentrations found in heart and skeletal muscle. Dietary sources include red meat, dairy products, beans, avocado. Also 3-Hydroxyhexadecanoylcarnitine works similar to the endogenous non-toxic molecule L-Carnitine (C184110) whose bioavailablity is improved due to the transport systems in place for Carnitine.